Saturday 14 May 2011

1 in 5 use public transport: The increased demand on public transport in Auckland

According to the latest results of a Quality of life survey by the Nielsen company, it shows one in five Aucklanders use public transport for their travel. The survey found that there has been an increase of people using public transport from 47 to 60 percent in only six years, and the travellers are satisfied with the public transport services for its safe, easy to get around, reliable, frequent, and affordable.

imgae Cred: cairnstransitnetwork

the free bus service in central Auckland
photo Cred: AKT
Furthermore in addition, as recognised by the council, it was found that the Auckland public transport use has reached the highest in 60 years, with a rail patronage increased to more than 10 million and bus to about 50 million throughout the years. And this is largely due to the rise of petrol prices for recently.

photo Cred: AKT

no...the petrol price hike!
image Cred: BuzzVines
The consequences can be viewed in two sides. On the one hand, the largely increased number of people using the public transport has put lots pressure on the existing public transport system for its improvement to cope with the ongoing needs of the public. On the other hand, the improvement on the public transport system in Auckland indicates the initiatives to encourage more people to use public transport services, instead of using cars for travel, therefore, to promote the development for a low carbon future and protect the environment.

use of new HOP cards for public transport
photo Cred: Auckland Transport
As one of the improvement to Auckland public transport services, the HOP smartcard has been introduced recently since the start of May, and with a fully integrated multi-operator smartcard with bus, rail and ferry to be coming soon in this year. The HOP has been regarded as a successful ticketing programme for which it will make the travel cost cheaper, improved boarding times, and ease of use. It is highly advocated by the government, as the Auckland Mayor, Len Brown, says: “The HOP card and integrated ticketing is one of the keys to continuing the surge in the growth in public transport patronage in Auckland. It will make public transport more convenient, cost effective, comfortable and faster. More people now use public transport than at the time in the past, I am determined we can double current patronage in the near future and the HOP card is one way we will do that.” According to the news, more than 17,000 Aucklanders will begin to use HOP for their travel within a few months.

Auckland Transport, (29/April/2011) Hop’s on the Move for Auckland Public Transport,, (accessed: 18/May/2011).
Auckland Transport, (17/May/2011) 17,000 Aucklanders HOP to it,
AKT (April/26/2011) Auckland PT Patronage Breaks Records,
AKT (May/10/2011) 1 in 5 Aucklanders Use PT?,
Radio New Zealand (30/Mar/2011) Auckland public transport use highest in 60 years,, (accessed: 18/May/2011).

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