Sunday 1 May 2011

Auckland CBD new project: waterfront trams: bringing back of the heritage tram

Last year in June, the Auckland Regional Council has released the news to bring back the electric trams to the Auckland waterfront, this is after an absence of more than 50 years since the electric tram system were removed from the city streets in 1956 (AKT, 2010).

Trams in downtown Auckland 50 years ago
photo Cred: AKT

With regard to the earlier work by the Auckland Regional Council on design of the project, there were two phased proposal for the tramway generally.
Phase One focuses on Wynyard Quarter with a single track loop circuiting Gateway Plaza, Jellicoe Street, Halsey Street, Gaunt Street and Beaumont Street.
Phase Two sees the trams linking to the CBD and connecting it with existing public transport network at Britomart and on Queen Street. (AKT, 2010)

Motat trains will run along the waterfront
Photo Cred: AKT
At last, it is recommended by the government to run the trams around Wynyard Quarter since it would activate this area in the future. It is proposed that the tramway will eventually link the future Wynyard Park, North Wharf and the Viaduct Events Center with Britomart and Queens Wharf. However, since the problem remains unresolved about how to connect the Wynyard Quarter to Britomart for a best option, the government has decided to put down building the connection between the Wynyard and the CBD currently in order to embark on this project soon to see the outcome. (AKT, 2011)
Now the plan is being carried on in the inner city is much likely focusing on phase one of the designed project. The tram will simply travel clockwise on a 1.5km circuit of Wynyard Quarter between Jellicoe, Halsey, Gaunt and Daldy Sts. The picture below shows the proposed tramway.
The heritage tram will travel on a 1.5km circuit of Wynyard Quarter between Jellicoe, Halsey, Gaunt and Daldy Sts
Photo Cred: AKT 
This is how it looks when the proposal is finished.
the waterfront tram system
Photo Cred: AKT

AKT, (June/3/2010) The Trams Are Back,, (accessed: 20/04/2011).
AKT, (April/7/2011) Waterfront Trams To Britomart,, (accessed 21/04/2011).

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