Monday 9 May 2011

Recommendations to Auckland CBD project on Waterfront trams

By study on the project on Auckland Waterfront trams and Melbourne City’s tram system, and a comparison between them, here are some recommendations I made to Auckland Waterfront trams which is under construction recently.

tramway under construction
photo Cred: AKT
Since Melbourne has the world’s biggest tram system in the world and it has been operated successfully and effectively throughout the years, some of its application can be installed on Auckland’s electric tram system to improve on the project that is currently being urdertaken.
l  Melbourne: to cope with the roading system, the trams are given priority to use the road and to pass first at intersections.
Auckland: there’s an issue over how motorists will cope with trams making the turn at intersection, in addition to heavy traffic. Such as at the interaction near Vodafone, it’s a busy turning point already.

the corner near Vodafone at Viaduct
photo Cred: AKT
I think the solution could be use of traffic light at the intersection, and to give the tram priority to turn at the corner, while at the same time, to make sure other vehicles run fluently without crowding. Auckland: on-road parking will be removed due to the installation of the tramline. But will there be an issue for lack of parking spaces for the motorists? Especially for the place where there are businesses around, which means there will be a lot of cars parking there. For present, the tram is primarily designated for use for tourists, but it is hard to say how many local travellers will use the tram for their travel. If the local travellers decide to take the tram for their travel to work or the places nearby, there could be less dependence on the cars, therefore, there won’t be lack of parking space any more.

Curbside car parking is being lost
photo Cred: AKT
Another interesting feature in terms of the design of the tram or railway is regarded environmental friendly, which is the green railway. The trams are gliding along on beds of grass and the idea that undermined the design is about a combination of landscaping with transportation. Maybe there’s an opportunity for Auckland to apply this idea of use of green tramway to our tram system as well?
Green tramway at Melbourne
image Cred: MRC McLean Hazel

AKT, (April/07/2011) Waterfront Trams to Britomart,
Meinhold, B. (Jan/27/2009) Europe’s Grass-Lined Green Railways,

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