Tuesday 17 May 2011

What does the new Auckland Plan mean to the future development of public transport?

The Auckland Plan by Auckland Council
Most recently, a draft Auckland Plan has been published to the public as the region’s primary planning document since transition to the new Auckland super city. As introduced by the Auckland Mayor, Len Brown, the Auckland Plan will be a blueprint for building the region over the next 30 years. The vision for Auckland future as defined in the plan as to make Auckland the most liveable city in the world. With regard to the vision, the development of public transport will become particularly important for which it means to enable people to move around the city more easily, have more choice in how they move around, and for achieving an overall development and prosperity of the city.

Auckland Public Transport
photo Cred: Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Focus has been placed on the public transport sector as shown in one of the sectors, People and Infrastructure, in the plan. It has been emphasized that making improvement in the level of public transport is a key part of the future transport development. Further, the plan also mentioned about the CBD rail loop project and its importance to achieve the vision of the plan.

Auckland Airport
photo Cred: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Apart from the provision for a second harbour crossing, the council also introduced a project on building railway line to link to the airport, and these two projects have been regarded as additional goals in the plan. Further, the plan identifies some of the region’s significant projects on development of public transport, which include Northern Busway Extension to Orewa, Henderson-Westgate Albany bus RTN, the Western Ring Route and Panmure-Botany-Manukau City Center RTN. All of these proposed or ongoing projects have shown council’s great effort in advancing the public transport services for people and the initiatives to promote and encourage more people to use public transport for their travel in the city.

People on Harbour Bridge
photo Cred: 1.bp.blogspot.com

Auckland Council, (2011) Auckland Unleashed: The Auckland Plan Discussion Document, Auckland: Auckland Council.

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