Monday 18 April 2011

overview of discussion on new harbour crossing

l  Toll being considered for new harbour crossing (Source from One News)
This discussion was raised by the Auckland Transport Minister Steven Joyce recently in March 23 2011.
A report of Transport Agency (NZTA) has indicated that the built of a new harbour crossing would cost about $3.9 billion for a bridge and about 5.3 billion for a tunnel. The funding for the crossing would come from taxpayer and ratepayer money and also a toll on users.
l  Auckland Mayor Len Brown said he preferred a tunnel. But time for built is to be considered, it would take about 15 years.
Brown also assisted that it was critical o anticipate growth on the North Shore over the next 20 to 25 years, and the built of a new harbour crossing would help to achieve the growth.
l  NZTA report indicates a bridge would have a marginally higher cost benefit ratio than a tunnel but obtaining consent for a bridge is improbable.
l  Further, Brown also argued that there’s a need to have a rail link to the North Shore.
l  Former North Shore Mayor George Wood said he neither of the two options for a new harbour crossing caters for future growth and he suggested that a lot more work was required on behalf of the government and the council.
l  Most recently, an UMR Research poll has showed a result that Aucklanders in favour of harbour rail link. It found that 79 percent of 241 Aucklanders in favour of installing railway lines across the harbour- whether on a new bridge or through tunnels (Source from NZHerald, by Mathew Dearnaley)
rail option which are supported by more commuters

l  In summary, we can see that there has been a lot of discussion carried out about what is the best option for building for a new harbour crossing. And a lot good ideas have been generated with regard to the new crossing, however, funding and cost for building is always the primary issue facing the whole community.

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